Nearly Wordless Wednesday: Nature Is Weird

Remember my best decorating scheme ever? Things are happening there.

Click to enlarge. It’s insane!

My kid has the coolest teacher. Look what else is growing in her classroom!

Note the egg tooth on the end of its beak. The kids got to watch them hatch, too!

Note the egg tooth on the end of its beak. The kids got to watch them hatch, too!

19 thoughts on “Nearly Wordless Wednesday: Nature Is Weird

  1. When my younger step-brother was around 5 or 6 his class had a baby chick that they’d take turns bringing home for the weekend. When he brought it home to our house for the weekend it only took about 8 hours before the dog killed it. It was awkward.

  2. How big are these frogs going to be? Who is going to wrangle them when they are that big?

    This is me, going back to my blog to write about chicks in school. Baby chicks, from eggs. That kind.

    • They’ll likely be 6-8 inches long. They live here now until they die of old age at 10 or so.

      Write about chicks in school! But no breast jokes. Because the baby chicks will think you are going to eat them, and that would be sad!

  3. I am the most envious of all the animalness happening around your parts. All we have here is one very sleepy Dumbcat and sometimes a bug gets in. That’s not very exciting.

    I think I need some fish or something.

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