What Happens When You Eat A Lot

Remember this little guy?

Look how tiny!

We discussed their hearty appetite, right? Yeah. Feed an Indian star tortoise well, and 7 weeks later, you get this:

Look! I can see myself! I’m pretty!

Yes, they’ve doubled in size, with no sign of slowing down. Impressive, no?

Wait! Don’t EAT the quarter! You might have a problem, little friend. I didn’t want to be the one to tell you, but…

33 thoughts on “What Happens When You Eat A Lot

  1. ZOMG, “ass’s.” I’m dying. That’s a total autocorrect win in my book.

    Tortoise eating a quarter! Nom nom nom. Look how big they’re getting! If you pick them up, do they try to nibble your fingers, too?

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