Breitbart Got It Right

I like to spend time each evening reading pieces that make me think. Since someone stole my People magazine (You know who you are! Don’t even!), I was at a loss as to what to do. I could have borrowed a book, I suppose, but Goodnight, Moon frustrates me, and the politics in Peter Rabbit is too intense. So I did what normal people do. I turned to the internet. I found this one article, and I found myself nodding in agreement. They are so right!


No pigtailed girls are ever allowed in science and math! But her glasses and hair ties and shirt all match! SO CUTE!

Now, I have never read anything on this site before. This article/post/thingie was written by a guy named Milo. I’m not 100% positive, but I am pretty sure it’s this guy:

Milo is the cat. I couldn't find anything written by the dog, which is too bad. It's understandable, though. Everyone knows cats are smarter than dogs.

Milo is the cat. I couldn’t find anything written by the dog, which is too bad. It’s understandable, though. Everyone knows cats are smarter than dogs.

So in case you don’t have time to read for yourself, I’ll summarize. Men sometimes drop out of science and math mid-career, but only, like, 48% of them. Women hit the road running WAY more often. Like, 52%. So it makes perfect sense to Milo the cat AND to me that women should only get maybe 10% of the spots in STEM programs. Because 52-48=10 women who stick around, and those girls are mostly dried up old maids who never had a date in high school.

Women don’t like science and math because people are mean, and math is hard, and we’d rather be curling our hair and painting our nails and biting each other in the back and stuff like that. I’m so, so lucky that I fell into herpetology as a career because that’s, like, not real science at all. Herpetology is basically Home Economics.

Like, we work with these totally endangered species, but incubating the eggs is really just baking.

Ignore that data sheet-looking thing next to the eggs. I don’t know what it’s for. It just makes me feel smart to have it. I sometimes write the mommy and daddy on the paper with little hearts.

Animals need good nutrition to grow properly, and you and I both know that’s just cooking.

This mush goo they're eating is made of grass. I think. It might be oatmeal. And everyone knows that oatmeal sticks to your ribs like a hair in a biscuit!

This mush goo they’re eating is made of grass. I think. It might be oatmeal. And everyone knows that oatmeal sticks to your ribs like a hair in a biscuit!

And sometimes we breed snakes, but that’s basically like making spaghetti. Throw a couple of noodles together, and then wait a while. Pasta takes FOREVER to cook. Don’t you hate that?

Snakes don’t eat oatmeal, so we have to feed them icky mice. SO GROSS! This job would be easier if we had a hair dryer for the mice so we don’t have to dry them with paper towels. And everyone needs a blowout to feel their best, even a dead rat. I need to ask Santa to bring me a hair dryer for Christmas.

This is a Black-Headed Python (Aspidites melanocephalus). We know how to deal with blackheads, right? Facial, anyone?

This is a Black-Headed Python (Aspidites melanocephalus). We know how to deal with blackheads, right? Facial, anyone?

Sometimes we work with the Chinese Alligators. Here I’m helping the vets do a check up, and that’s just like taking a kid to the pediatrician.

It's mouth is shut using vet-wrap because it's a girl and is very much into back-biting.

Its mouth is shut using vet-wrap because it’s a girl and we ALL know how bad girls are about back-biting.

Sometimes we have to clean up after the animals. I learned all about cleaning in Home Ec. Thanks, Mrs. Binkley!

I'm cleaning windows inside the Chinese Alligator exhibit. You know what does a GREAT job on windows? Vinegar and newspaper. NO STREAKING! No, I'm not kidding!

I’m cleaning windows inside the Chinese Alligator exhibit. You know what does a GREAT job on windows? Vinegar and newspaper. NO STREAKING! No, I’m not kidding! Try it! You’ll be amazed! I don’t have any tricks to help with the turdballs in the drain, though. Sorry.

And we have a greenhouse to maintain. But knowing which plants are non-toxic and safe for tortoises to eat is a piece of cake.  Green is green, so it must taste good and be good for them.

Home decorating. A man's home is his castle, even if he's just going to eat it.

Home decorating. A man’s home is his castle, you know, even if he’s just going to eat it.

Sometimes we have baby animals. Who doesn’t love wittle bitty babies? They can probably eat what the grown up ones eat. I guess. Who knows? They’re just so cute!

Radiated Tortoises (Astrochelys radiata). See that red mark? That's nail polish! Girls are gonna be girls, amirite?

Radiated Tortoises (Astrochelys radiata). See that red ID mark? That’s NAIL POLISH! Girls are gonna be girls, amirite? It’s sparkly, too, so this little tortoise is ready to go out on the town!

And sometimes we have to feed the Komodo Dragon, but that’s mostly like walking the dog. Or watching Game of Thrones.

Her name is Khaleesi. Feeding her is a lot like walking a dog. You don't expose your Achilles tendons when you feed a Komodo Dragon. you wear kicky boots! And they're black. They'll go with anything!

We don’t expose our Achilles tendons when we feed a Komodo Dragon. We wear kicky boots! And they’re black. They’ll go with anything!

I don’t bother with things like spreadsheets to keep track of growth and breeding groups and the like. They make my tiny little woman brain hurt. But if it’s sheets that interest you, I can fold the fitted ones like nobody’s business!

I definitely don’t read scary old textbooks into the night because reading math science-y stuff will make my uterus fall out. I also don’t keep any kind of computer records or work with any complicated programs, either at the Zoo or in the computer classes I teach. I mostly just bang my fist on the keyboard until something breaks, or until my tears bring the nearest male running to rescue me.

It’s no wonder girls drop out of science. It’s tough on the ole noggin. They should all come into my line of work. It’s easy, and we can braid one another’s hair and bake cakes and stuff like that. Come and join me, girls! Herpetology is women’s work. Talking cats are never wrong.


***I am lying. I can’t fold a fitted sheet. I just wad it up and stuff it in the back of the closet.


26 thoughts on “Breitbart Got It Right

  1. Blessings upon you for this one, my friend. My intrinsically-domestic, uterus-losing, totes-unscientific, “sarcasm is next to godliness (or perhaps that’s just the folded fitted sheets)” friend.

  2. Choosing to look for whatever humor there is – that was the easy part.
    Getting distracted by every shiny new bit of shit, unfortunately, is proving to be even easier. Someone should’ve provided a manual.

    Long, long way of saying that this brought me great, deep, sparkly joy.

  3. Pingback: Breitbart Got It Right | You Didn't Ask, But I'll Answer

  4. I hope you didn’t hurt your woman brain even trying to think of what science is since none of us uterus-havers have any clue. I tried to do some addition the other day and my period immediately began.

  5. Dammit – I SO wanted to know how to fold the fitted sheets! I have a friend who is a scientist. A physicist. Her writes, studies and is loud with her theories. She could have gone into research was offered a fellowship or something but decided to teach high school instead. She did a presentation at Fermalab(sp)(, Chicago in the summer and one of her mentors said -” That was great – you sounded like a real scientist up there!!!!!” I kid you not. The f..kwit. Can you imagine! She is a single, tough, incredibly clever scientist, who has dedicated her whole life to physics but she is small in stature, has a lovely figure and worse: is beautiful. She did what so many women do, she gritted her teeth behind her smile and said, ” thank you!” I am still seething. c

    • She must not have gotten the memo that female physicists must surrender their good looks.

      I went to school with a student who was gorgeous, blonde, on the cheer squad. And also made straight As in Calculus and Physics. But everyone assumed she was stupid because of her looks and extra-curricular activities.

  6. I’ll give up on encouraging my son to study herpetology now that I know it’s women’s work. My son hasn’t combed his hair in months. There’s no way he could be relied on to operate that hair dryer for drying the mice.

  7. With the food references that you used in this post I think you could work for Jenny Craig as I am no longer hungry. I will never look at another biscuit again without doing a quick once over for hair. On the bright side, those turtles were adorable. I did, however, quickly scroll past the snakes.

  8. Pingback: #WomenScienceDay - Lawyers, Guns & Money : Lawyers, Guns & Money

  9. So that was probably the first time something related to Breitbart made me laugh… thanks for that! And the photos of the baby animals of course… not that I understood anything else in this post.

A penny for your thoughts! And by penny, I mean a warm-fuzzy in your heart.