I Love You Because

I admire your sense of style. 

Technically, it was a Halloween costume. But this is the kid that asked for owl vomit for Christmas

You let me dress you funny.

He will hate me one day. But for now, plays along.

You love  me even though I wouldn’t know a Geonosian from a Clone Trooper. 

The kid loves Star Wars more than life.

You haven’t killed each other yet.

This is an old picture, so you'll have to take my word for it. They're all still alive.

You appreciate the value of naps. 

You can caption this one yourself. I go with "Awwww! But I'm still not having another one."

You lead me to amazing places.

Following my dreams

Happy Valentine’s day!

40 thoughts on “I Love You Because

  1. What a perfect valentine. Our kids (and sometimes, even spouses) take us to a world we never thought existed, don’t they? And, uh, sometimes we wish we hadn’t heard about it. But most of the time, it’s the best, the juiciest, the most over-the-top feeling we can imagine.

  2. Hahaha!, I know, when you start the journey you are simply clueless that you are about to get waaaayyyyy more than you bargained for. Sometimes I have to count to 10 in my head before I remember that I love the little monster (there is a reason for this nickname!).

  3. I love this! Although I have to say that baby-in-bunny-suit gets me more than newborn sleeping on Daddy. I didn’t have PPD, but the newborn stage was really rough for me. Smiles like the one on your little bunny more than made up for it, though!

  4. Ah, bad timing ! A couple years back we had a pair of owls that took residence in our yard (we had a regular parade of bird watchers for 2 summers) ….we regularly found body parts all over…..I’m sure it was educational on some part (Discovery channel woulda loved it) but it grossed me out.

  5. beautiful!!! Having kids really puts things into perspective doesn’t it? Especially the stuff we learn through them. For instance I learned today that Elmo prefers eating pears over cheerios. Which is why my daughter graciously gave him her pear pieces and ate all her cheerios. Mama then got to clean pear off of elmo’s fur and fuzz. Fun times. Happy valentine’s day 🙂

      • He’s sneaky that way, I find. He tends to restart my laundry, eat eggs, drink cranberry juice. Oh and he LOVES to dump the rest of her toys all over my kitchen floor. I blame false advertising 😉

  6. I loved this!! And, btw, they don’t hate you for long on the picture stuff.. my son is getting married soon and they WANT those cute, embarrassing, funny, sweet pictures that we, as parents and grandparents, take because we just cant help ourselves!!! Hugs!!

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